Mirashare’s newest module, Report Scheduler, now gives you the flexibility to automatically schedule and create reports for users to access, without pressing a single button.
We know that every customer is different, and every customer has specific needs when it comes to the management of health and safety data. That’s where Report Scheduler can help.
With Report Scheduler you can:

- Decide who has access to create scheduled reports using permissions.
- Include comprehensive descriptions and select the frequency with which they’re created.
- Define sections, charts & data from each Mirashare module and combine in one report.
- Manage who they are to be accessed by with user email addresses & distribution groups.
- See at a glance how many report notifications have been sent and who received them.
Key Benefits
- Provide a full picture, in one place, of your individual KPI’s across every module.
- Deliver timely notifications for recipients to access reports once created.
- Save precious time through automating, instead of manually re-running reports.
- Maintain control over data visibility through permissions.
- Detailed audit history behind each report record, you stay in control at every step.
- Visualise your health and safety data and identify trends early.
- Manage by exception.